Trustees owe a certain level of care and responsibility to trust beneficiaries. There are many different classifications of the type of “duty” that is owed to beneficiaries. Since discussing each of these in depth would take a lot more space than we have for today’s topic, I will some of the k...


The first question that needs to be answered is are you actually a beneficiary? This is typically something you would be aware of if you are the current beneficiary. If you are a contingent beneficiary (or think you are a contingent beneficiary), then this first question become very important. Eithe...

probate required to receive an inheritance

Wills and trusts are two different ways someone can receive an inheritance. These can be used independently or together. What does Georgia probate law say when the deceased leaves both a will and a trust? Is probate required to receive an inheritance? When a trust is created and funded prope...